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News & Resources
MP Cloud Technologies EMS industry thought leadership articles, case studies, and resources focuses on EMS Billing and Dispatch software, and the ever changing ambulance industry.
Non-emergency Transport: Avoiding the Fraud Trap
Did you know that one of the most common practices in our industry could put your company at financial risk? Transporting patients not qualified for ambulance transportation is a hot topic these days as it has heavily contributed to the rise of Medicare fraud cases.
Financial Hardship Policies: Steps for Your Protection
In an industry whose sole focus is to help those in need, it’s natural for us to want to assist patients financially when they’re in hardship situations.
MPCT announces Client Partnership with Leading Medical Reimbursement Company
MP Cloud Technologies announced today that it has been selected as the billing software provider for Delaware Medical Management Services, a Healthcare management firm focused on Emergency Medical and physician services industries in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Maryland.